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信息来源:德国神经退行性疾病研究中心 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-07-24 11:32


Postdoctoral researcher (f/m) : Bonn, Germany

The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is a unique non-university research center which is dedicated to the subject dementia and all its areas, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. The center compasses the full spectrum of fundamental research through population sciences to health care research. The DZNE stands for excellence in research and science management, translation of scientific results into practice, interdisciplinarity and internationalization. It is a research center within the Helmholtz Organization of German research centers. With over 1000 employees from 55 nations, spread over 10 sites, the DZNE is one of the national and international leading research centers in its research field. 

The DZNE in Bonn is looking for a

Postdoctoral researcher (f/m) – Code 1576/2018/7

One Postdoc position is available within the “Translational Dementia Research group” led by Anja Schneider in Bonn. Our aim is to understand how, in neurodegenerative disorders, disease pathology progresses throughout the brain. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been implicated as one possible mechanism contributing to spreading of pathological protein aggregates from diseased to so far unaffected recipient cells. We are especially interested in extracellular vesicle (EV) mediated release of toxic, aggregated proteins, such as a-Synuclein and Tau, the determinants of their sorting into EVs and the contribution of their release to toxicity and propagation of disease pathology. We also explore the role of glial cells on clearance and propagation of aggregated proteins, using primary cell culture and mouse models. Our final goal is to translate our findings to improve prevention and therapy of neurodegenerative diseases. Please see our website for more information about our research https://www.dzne.de/forschung/forschungsbereiche/klinische-forschung/forschungsgruppen/schneider/forschungsschwerpunkte/.

Your tasks

The successful candidate will conduct a research project aimed to elucidate the role of phase separation on a-Synuclein and Tau aggregation, using in vitro and in vivo mouse models. For this project, a variety of approaches will be used, including primary cell culture, mouse models,viral-based gene delivery and life-imaging techniques. An alternative project aims to elucidate the impact of inflammation on Alzheimer's disease pathology and includes a novel, anti-inflammatory drug approach in a transgenic Alzheimer's disease mouse model.

You will conduct your own research project, collaborate with PhD and postdoctoral researchers as well as national and international partners. The goal is to publish our work in outstanding scientific journals. For further details please contact Prof. Schneider at tel. +49 228 43302 450.

Your profile

We are looking for highly motivated scientists who wish to advance in their academic training and consolidate the research experience in cell biology, molecular biology and neuroscience in our enthusiastic and collaborative team.

We expect you to

have profound background and expertise in cellular and molecular neuroscience and a track record of relevant publications in peer-reviewed journals

have the ability to work independently with standard techniques of cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, life-imaging, mouse studies

establish new techniques, interpret and discuss experiments

be interested in implementing new methods and improving current protocols

have excellent organizational skills and fluency in English

have strong communication and critical thinking skills, as well as a dedication to teamwork and collaboration

critically contribute to writing of manuscripts and grant proposals

have successfully completed your university studies with a Ph.D., or M.D./Ph.D. degree

Post-doctoral researchers are expected to identify directions for future scientific research, build a path toward scientific independence and play a key role in supervising junior members in the group. While the funding is available from the host laboratory, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for independent research funding or fellowships via national and/or international funding sources to advance their own career.






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