信息来源:丹麦哥本哈根大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-07-24 11:32
Post doc position in Motor circuits
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow for a project at the interface between neural circuits behind locomotion and computational neuroscience. The research will take place at the University of Copenhagen in the lab of Dr. Rune W. Berg (http://berg-lab.net).
The project involves using the parallel recordings from large populations of neurons primarily in motor circuits in the spinal cord and brainstem of awake behaving mice and rats. The experimental recordings will consist of chronically implanted multi-electrode arrays (approximately 256 channels) in the parts of the spinal circuitry where the core elements of movement activity is generated. Furthermore, we will implement imaging of genetically expressed Calcium indicaters as a complementary means to the extracellular recordings.
Preferably, the applicant has experience some or most of these areas:
*In-vivo electrophysiological experiments
*Optogenetics/virus/genetic techniques
*Data analysis using matlab/python and spike sorting/Calcium imaging.
*Computational neuroscience/ modeling aspects of neuroscience.
The successful applicant will join a thriving neuroscience environment at the Department of neuroscience, University of Copenhagen. The applicant will be the major participant in all aspects of the project, from designing and performing experiments, developing technical advances, performing data analysis and presenting the results. The post doc is funded for 3 years in the first instance and is available immediately. Please contact runeb@sund.ku.dk for question and comments or go to http://berg-lab.net/?page_id=148 for more information.
Living in Copenhagen
is a unique and wonderful experience. University of Copenhagen has an International staff mobility program (https://ism.ku.dk/) to help accommodate international researcher with practical matters, before arrival such as with residence permit, housing and childcare/school as well as during the stay with salary, tax, pension, insurance, banking as well as getting accustomed with language and culture. They also have a special team to accommodate partners and spouses to locate the professional opportunities in Denmark (dual career/spouse network). The Danish tax authorities have a special low tax (27%) for foreign researchers for the first 5 years (learn more).