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信息来源:英国邓迪大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-08-16 10:59


Postdoctoral Research Assistants (3 Posts)

University of Dundee - Plant Sciences

Location: Dundee
Salary: £31,604 to £38,833
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 7th August 2018
Closes: 7th September 2018
Job Ref: SLSC0460

Closing date: 07 September 2018

Full-Time, Fixed-Term for 3 years.

3 Post-doctoral positions to investigate the roles that extracellular vesicles play in secretion of pathogen effectors and their delivery into host plant cells

The Research: Filamentous plant pathogens (fungi and oomycetes) cause the most devastating crop diseases and thus significantly threaten global food security. Essential components of their virulence arsenal are proteins called cytoplasmic effectors that are delivered inside plant cells to suppress immunity. One of the major scientific challenges in this field is understanding how effectors are secreted and translocated into host cells. Exciting unpublished data in our laboratory reveal that cytoplasmic effectors from Phytophthora infestans accumulate in extracellular vesicles (EVs), implicating this as a delivery route. There are three key questions that we are asking, each to be addressed by one of the post-doc positions:

What proteins are in or associated with pathogen-derived EVs and how do EVs traffic them between pathogen and plant cells? This project will use proteomics and transgenic approaches to allow the EV proteome to be determined and automated electron microscopy will resolve the 3-dimensional organisation of the interface between plant and pathogen.

How are EVs formed and how are effectors packaged into them? New molecular cell biological approaches, utilising Phytophthora transformation and confocal microscopy will facilitate an understanding of effector secretory routes and EV biogenesis.

What are the routes for uptake of cytoplasmic effectors into host cells and how do they reach their destination? EV endocytosis or direct fusion with plant cells will be studied and the routes for delivery of effectors to their final destination will be defined.

Applicants must have a PhD in molecular or cell biological studies of host-pathogen interactions and should have published research in a high-ranking scientific journal as first author. They should have strong experience in molecular cell biology, including confocal and/or electron microscopy. Post-doc position (1) requires proteomics expertise. Experience in transformation of Phytophthora is desirable but not essential for post-doc position (2). Applicants should have excellent written and spoken English communication skills and should be able to work both independently and as part of a team.

Appointment as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant on the Grade 7 salary scale is dependent upon you having been awarded a PhD. An appointment may be considered if you are shortly expected to be awarded a PhD. The initial appointment will be made as a Research Assistant on the Training Grade 7 salary scale (Spinal Point 28, £30,688).

For further information and informal enquiries please contact Professor Paul Birch (P.Birch@dundee.ac.uk)

Applications: Candidates should submit a single document containing a cover letter, brief description of relevant research experience, a CV with publication list, and email addresses of three referees.

The diversity of our staff and students helps to make the University of Dundee one of the top universities in the UK. Family friendly policies, staff support networks for BME and LGBT staff, membership of Athena Swan and Stonewall, as well a full range of disability services, create an enjoyable and inclusive place to work.






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