信息来源:瑞典乌普萨拉大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-08-16 11:04
Two postdoctoral positions in immunology: Uppsala University, Sweden
The Lymph node stroma group at Uppsala University, Rudbeck laboratory, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology (IGP), led by Ass. Prof. Maria Ulvmar, invite applications for two postdoctoral positions.
The focus of the projects in the lab is to understand the impact the highly specialized lymph node vasculature has on the structure and function of the lymph node. The experimental tools include genetically modified mice and tumor models.
For further information, please visit http://www.igp.uu.se/research/clinical_immunology/maria-ulvmar/ andhttp://www.molps.se/scholars/maria-h-ulvmar-2016-1/
The Department of immunology, genetics and pathology at Uppsala University (www.igp.uu.se) has a broad research profile with several internationally strong research groups. Uppsala University is part of a Swedish consortium, SciLifeLab (www.scilifelab.se), which provides state-of the art infrastructure for advanced life science research including platforms for flow cytometry and confocal microscopy.
Qualification: PhD in immunology or tumor immunology. Strong track-record with peer-reviewed publications.
Merits: The ideal candidate will have expertise in tumor immunology or vascular immunology, a solid command of flow cytometry, cell sorting, confocal imaging and experience of animal models (FELASA C or equivalent). An interest in method development is essential. Experience in functional immunological assays and/or bioinformatical analysis is a plus. Fluency in both written and spoken English is a request.
Applicants should be highly motivated and display a true enthusiasm for tackling complex immunological problems. The positions are suited for early stage researchers, within 2 years from their PhD, who wants to develop a career in vascular immunology.
To apply, please send your CV with list of publications together with the names of two references and a cover letter (max 1 page) detailing your relevant experience, your motivation to join the group and your career goals: maria.ulvmar@igp.uu.se.