信息来源:西班牙农业基因组学研究中心 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-08-16 11:08
Postdoctoral Position in Genomic, Proteomic, and Genetic Analyses of the Regulatory Network of Flower Development in Arabidopsis
CRAG - Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics
Barcelona, Spain
Job description:
The Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) is looking for a Postdoc Researcher to be part of the group working on Gene Regulatory Networks in Plant Development.
The current global, dynamic view of the gene regulatory networks underlying plant development is primarily based on measuring gene expression at the transcriptome level, thus overlooking the substantial role that is played by regulatory processes occurring after mRNA is made. Advances in proteomics and high-throughput genomic analyses have begun to address this challenge. We seek to incorporate a highly talented and motivated postdoctoral scientist that is interested in modern, multidisciplinary plant sciences, encompassing experimental and bioinformatic approaches.
The successful candidate will be expected to participate in, build on, and lead projects that include: the characterization of genome expression at the proteome level (and modifications of the proteome) throughout flower development; the characterization of the Arabidopsis peptidome and of its roles in flower development and other processes; and the genetic and functional characterization of direct AP1 targets. Research will involve a combination of genomic, proteomic, genetic technologies as well as bioinformatic approaches. The global aim of our group is the characterization and understanding of gene regulatory networks underlying plant development. We use Arabidopsis flower development as our model and primary experimental system, as the onset of flower formation and the process of flower development are excellent paradigms for developmental studies in plants.
The tasks are included within the framework at the project BFU2014-58289-P.
Educational Requirements:
PhD in Biology, Biochemistry or similar.
Required Skills: