信息来源:新加坡南洋理工大学 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-09-25 10:46
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position at NTU: Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
Location: Singapore, Singapore
Job Number: 7052294
Posting Date: Aug 2, 2018
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description
Advanced Photonics Research (APR) Lab at School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore is seeking a candidate for a postdoctoral research fellow position in the field of ‘ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy’. Our lab aims to discover novel electronic and optical properties at NIR and MIR spectral ranges.
Our lab is currently equipped with various ready-to-use state-of-the-art equipment for NIR and MIR ultrafast transient absorption measurements. Those include:
- Helios with microscopic extension (https://ultrafastsystems.com/products/helios-fire/)
- A femtosecond laser with OPA (http://lightcon.com)
- Closed-cycle helium cryostat (https://www.montanainstruments.com/Products/Cryo-Optic/)
- InGaAs 2D NIR CCD with ultra-high sensitivity (https://www.princetoninstruments.com/products/NIRvana-InGaAs-camera)
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who is eager to investigate ultrafast carrier dynamics of our fundamentally new materials (e.g., highly strained germanium nanowires, band-engineered 2D materials, graphene with pseudo-magnetic fields, etc.).
The successful candidate is expected to perform one or more of the following tasks:
- Conduct ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
- Characterize and analyse transient absorption and gain of our new materials
The successful candidate should possess:
- PhD degree in electrical engineering, applied physics or related areas
- Strong research background on optical characterization
Salary and terms of employment:
Successful candidates can expect competitive salary and benefits. Monthly salary will be determined based on educational qualifications and research experience. Settling-in allowance will also be provided. The initial period of employment is 1 year but can be extended further.
Information on APR Lab & EEE at NTU:
Established in 1981, the School of EEE is one of the founding Schools of NTU. NTU EEE has been ranked 6th in the world for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering subject according to the 2017 QS World University Rankings. Further information on EEE is available at: http://www.eee.ntu.edu.sg/NewsnEvents/Pages/2017/QS-World%20Unviersity%20Ranking.aspx
Our lab has been performing research on cutting-edge silicon photonics technologies such as strained germanium lasers. More information on APR Lab is available at: http://ntuaprl.creatorlink.net
Application Procedure:
Interested candidates may send your CV/resume to dnam@ntu.edu.sg