信息来源:互联网转载分享 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-04-26 09:26
我们的实验室研究了导致精神疾病的认知和情绪行为中压力引起的异常的神经回路。我们正在使用早期生活压力和成人压力的小鼠模型来研究不同发育阶段的逆境如何影响生命后期的认知,情感行为和压力脆弱性。为此,该实验室有许多转基因小鼠品系,它们对应激的易感性不同,这是基于海马神经发生或5-羟色胺能系统功能改变的差异。我们在自由移动的小鼠中使用头戴式微型显微镜进行体内Ca2 +成像,以研究压力如何影响大细胞群体内个体神经元的活动,以及这些神经元的功能活动如何导致认知障碍和焦虑。然后,我们使用光遗传学和化学技术来实验性地调节应激反应神经元的活动及其对相关脑结构的预测,从而在功能上研究介导应激对认知和焦虑影响的神经回路。
The Anacker Lab at Columbia University in New York is looking for highly motivated postdoctoral researchers for several projects studying the neurobiological mechanisms of stress-induced psychiatric disorders.
Our laboratory studies the neural circuits underlying stress-induced abnormalities in cognitive and emotional behaviors that contribute to psychiatric disorders. We are using mouse models of early life stress and adult stress to investigate how adversity during different periods of development influences cognition, affective behavior, and stress vulnerability later in life. To do this, the lab has a number of transgenic mouse lines that differ in their vulnerability to stress, based on differences in hippocampal neurogenesis or functional alterations in the serotonergic system. We are using in vivo Ca2+ imaging with head-mounted miniature microscopes in freely moving mice to investigate how stress affects the activity of individual neurons within large cell populations, and how such changes in the functional activity of these neurons lead to cognitive impairments and anxiety. We then use optogenetics and chemogenetic techniques to experimentally regulate the activity of stress-responsive neurons and their projections to associated brain structures, to functionally investigate the neural circuits that mediate stress effects on cognition and anxiety.
In addition to this circuit level analysis, the lab studies the molecular mechanisms that determine neuronal activity and neural circuit function. In particular, we are using next-generation RNA sequencing and epigenetic analyses to investigate how adverse experiences during early life exert long-lasting effects on neuronal activity and neural circuit function by permanently altering gene expression in stress-susceptible brain areas.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience or other relevant disciplines, and experience with rodent experimentation. Experience with stereotactic brain surgery, optogenetics, in vivo Ca2+ imaging and MATLAB programming is preferred. Positions are available immediately.
Please submit your CV with contact information for 3 references to Dr. Christoph Anacker (ca2635@cumc.columbia.edu).