信息来源:互联网转载分享 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-04-26 09:27
博士后职位可立即开发和测试新的软件工具,这些软件工具可自动执行从大规模高分辨率质谱数据集中提取和分析同位素富集信息所需的数据处理步骤。代谢组学研究人员将使用这些软件工具,利用稳定同位素来分析代谢网络动力学。鼓励有同位素示踪实验和代谢组学数据分析经验的积极候选人申请。成功的候选人将与一位精通开源软件开发的程序员密切合作。该职位要求良好的沟通和项目管理技能,以实现所需的软件功能,并使用年轻实验室和其他合作实验室收集的实验数据集测试和验证软件。这个年轻的实验室从事与代谢疾病和生物制造有关的各种研究项目,有大量的机会出版高影响力的出版物。有关年轻实验室的更多信息,请访问我们的网站:www.vanderbilt.edu/younglab。感兴趣的申请人应发送一份最新简历,其中包括三位推荐人的姓名:jamey young博士,邮箱:j.d.young@vanderbilt.edu。
A postdoctoral position is available immediately to develop and test novel software tools that automate the data processing steps required to extract and analyze isotope enrichment information from large-scale, high-resolution mass spectrometry datasets. These software tools will be used by metabolomics researchers to profile metabolic network dynamics using stable isotopes. Motivated candidates with experience in isotope tracer experiments and metabolomics data analysis are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will work closely with a staff programmer who is skilled in open-source software development. The position requires good communication and project management skills to implement the desired software features and to test and validate the software using experimental datasets collected in the Young lab and other collaborating labs. The Young lab is engaged in a variety of research projects that relate to metabolic diseases and biomanufacturing, with ample opportunities for high-impact publications. For more information about the Young laboratory, see our website: www.vanderbilt.edu/younglab. Interested applicants should send a current CV including the names of three references to: Dr. Jamey Young at: j.d.young@vanderbilt.edu.