信息来源:互联网转载分享 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-04-28 15:41
作为英国领先的物理研究中心之一,我们正寻求任命一名个人在强子物理小组工作,负责其STFC资助的研究项目,并在日内瓦欧洲核子研究中心的大型强子碰撞(LHC)进行爱丽丝实验。该小组的主要兴趣在于“热QCD”的性质和结构,这在重离子的高能碰撞中体现出来,特别是通过测量魅力和美丽强子在这种相互作用中产生魅力和美丽夸克物质。该小组(与STFC Daersbury实验室一起)也是Alice实验硅内跟踪系统(ITS)实质性升级的主要贡献者,负责在今年(2019年)完成的情况下为其外筒建造大量模块和支架。
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Physical Sciences
Department of Physics
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Physics (Alice/HC)
£34,188 - £39,610 pa
As one of the UK's leading centres for Physics research, we are seeking to appoint an individual to work in the Hadron Physics Group on its STFC-funded research programme with the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collidor (LHC) at CERN, Geneva. The group's primary interest is in the properties and structure of "hot QCD" as manifest in the high-energy collisions of heavy ions, and in particular therefore in the production of charm and beauty quark matter in such interactions by means of measurements of charm and beauty hadrons. The group (together with STFC Daresbury Laboratory) are also a major contributor to the substantial upgrade of the Silicon Inner Tracking System (ITS) of the ALICE experiment, with responsibility for the construction of a substantial fraction of the modules and staves for the ITS Outer Barrel, due to complete this year (2019).
Applicants are required to have a PhD (or to be about to submit a PhD thesis) in nuclear or particle physics, with research experience in high-energy interactions. The appointee will work with the group developing h(er) is physics programme with analysis of ALICE LHC Run 2 data, primarily those from the 2018 Pb-Pb data-taking, as well as participating in the group's work as it completes the commissioning of the ALICE ITS upgrade at CERN and in preparations for first data taking at the start of Run 3 at the LHC. They will work closely with collaborators from UK and overseas institutions and need to be willing to travel. The salary will be determined depending on experience and qualification. The post is available from 1 July 2019 until 30 June 2021.
Job Ref: 011612/BREC Closing Date: 25 May 2019
For full details and to apply online, please visit: https://recruit.liverpool.ac.uk