信息来源:互联网转载分享 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-04-28 15:43
纽约市威尔康奈尔医学再生医学部的Matthias Stadtfeld博士的实验室里有一个博士后研究员的职位。本研究组采用遗传模型、重编程技术和下一代测序方法,研究多能干细胞和人类疾病中细胞命运和表观遗传稳定性的调节。
A position for a Postdoctoral Fellow is available in the laboratory of Dr. Matthias Stadtfeld in the Division of Regenerative Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City. Our group employs genetic models, reprogramming technology and next-generation sequencing approaches to study the regulation of cell fate and epigenetic stability in pluripotent stem cells and human disease.
We are looking for an highly motivated individual with a passion for basic biology and the drive to make lasting contributions to science and medicine. Expertise in two or more of molecular biology, biochemistry, mammalian cell culture, epigenome analysis and bioinformatics are highly desirable.
Located in the heart of Manhattan’s Upper East Side, WCM is hub of cutting-edge biomedical research and a leading institute in the areas of epigenomics and disease genetics. Our group pursues a highly collaborative approach to take advantage of the unique opportunities provided by the research community at the Tri-Institute (WCM, Rockefeller and Memorial Sloan Kettering).
If interested, please send a cover letter explaining your research interests together with your CV and contact information of at least two referees to mas4011@med.cornell.edu.