信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-05-09 09:44
立即在斯坦福卡尔文-郭实验室获得博士后职位,研究肠干细胞生物学的分子机制(Nature(2017)5月11日;545(7653):238-242;细胞干细胞(2017)7月6日;21(1):78-90.E6.)和肺。这些项目将利用体内谱系追踪和体外有机物培养方法,结合条件敲除和CRISPR策略。干细胞群体将研究其疾病模型、体内生态位、谱系关系和体内移植。理想的候选人将在干细胞生物学、肠或肺生理学或模型系统的一般遗传分析方面具有广泛的现有经验。掌握英语书面和口语,有良好的出版记录。在以下一个或多个领域的具体经验是非常可取的:器官培养、单细胞分析、Facs分类和管理转基因/Ko小鼠菌落。请将简历和3封推荐信寄至:Calvin Kuo,Stanford University,血液科,Lokey Stem Cell Building G2034A,265 Campus Dr.,Stanford,CA 94305 USA.cjkuo@stanford.edu.网址:http://kuolab.stanford.edu。斯坦福大学是一个机会均等的雇主。
Postdoctoral positions in stem cell biology
Postdoctoral positions available immediately in the Calvin Kuo laboratory at Stanford to investigate molecular mechanisms of stem cell biology in the intestine (Nature (2017) May 11;545(7653):238-242; Cell Stem Cell (2017) Jul 6;21(1):78-90.e6.) and lung. These projects will leverage in vivo lineage tracing and in vitro organoid culture approaches, coupled with conditional knockout and CRISPR strategies. The stem cell populations will be studied with respect to their disease models, in vivo niches, lineage relationships and in vivo transplantation. The ideal candidate(s) will have extensive pre-existing experience in stem cell biology, intestinal or lung physiology, or general genetic analysis in model systems. Command of written and spoken English and a strong publication record is essential. Specific experience in one or more of the following areas would be highly desirable: organoid culture, single cell analysis, FACS sorting and managing transgenic/ko mouse colonies. Please send CV and 3 letters of reference to: Calvin Kuo, Stanford University, Hematology Division, Lokey Stem Cell Building G2034A, 265 Campus Dr., Stanford, CA 94305 USA. cjkuo@stanford.edu. Website: http://Kuolab.stanford.edu. Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer.