信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-05-16 11:01
瑞士洛桑大学生物化学系Petr Broz教授的实验室旨在招募一位充满激情的博士后研究员,加入一个关于角色的跨学科项目。
'宿主 - 病原体相互作用和免疫中的细胞死亡'
Broz实验室研究病原体感染或无菌炎症期间细胞死亡的作用。该实验室的一个特别关注点是pyroptosis,一种由gasdermin家族成员引起的炎症性细胞死亡。 Gasdermins是新的成孔蛋白家族,通过蛋白水解切割活化,并使细胞膜透化以诱导炎症和细胞死亡。
我们正在寻找具有强大分析和实验技能的创造性和坚定的候选人,并有兴趣研究gasdermins在细胞稳态和疾病中的作用。您将在一个协作和跨学科团队工作,解决复杂的生物问题,并从免疫学,信号,分子生物学,微生物学和生物化学领域。您将协调确定gasdermin激活机制,调节及其生理功能的方法,监督Msc / PhD学生并在高度可见的期刊中作为第一作者发表。关于细胞生物学或细胞死亡的生物化学的现有技能将是优势。
The laboratory of Prof. Petr Broz in the Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne, Switzerland seeks to recruit a passionate postdoctoral researcher to join an interdisciplinary project on the role of
‘Cell death in host-pathogen interaction and immunity’
The Broz lab investigates the role of cell death during pathogen infection or sterile inflammation. A particular focus of the lab is pyroptosis, an inflammatory type of cell death caused by gasdermin family members. Gasdermins are new family of pore-forming proteins that are activated by proteolytic cleavage, and which permeabilize cellular membranes to induce inflammation and cell death.
Job information
Expected start date in position : to be agreed
Contract length : 1 year, renewable, maximum 5 years
Activity rate : 100%
Workplace : Department of Biochemistry, Epalinges
Your responsibilities
We are looking for a creative and determined candidate with strong analytical and experimental skills and an interest in studying the role of gasdermins in cellular homeostasis and disease. You will be working in a collaborative and interdisciplinary team that tackles complex biological problems and draws from the fields of immunology, signaling, molecular biology, microbiology and biochemistry. You will coordinate approaches to identify the mechanism of gasdermin activation, regulation and their physiological function, supervise Msc/PhD students and publish as first author in highly visible journals. Existing skills with regard to the cell biology or biochemistry of cell death would be an advantage.
Your qualifications
Applicants should hold a PhD/MD-PhD in life sciences with a strong background in cell death research, innate immunity or host-pathogen interaction and should have a solid publication record in peer-reviewed journals. Specific qualifications include:
o Excellent communication skills with focus on teamwork, the willingness to co-mentor PhD or master students
o A strong work ethic, scientific rigor
o Ability to work independently and complete task efficiently
o Existing skills with regard to biochemistry, cell biology and immunology will be an advantage
o Excellent proficiency in English
What the position offers you
We offer a great opportunity in the international, dynamic and vibrant research environment of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Lausanne. Furthermore, outstanding working conditions at the University of Lausanne, state-of-the-art infrastructure, a stimulating research environment that actively promotes dynamic interactions between scientists and a very competitive salary. This project is supported by an ERC Consolidator grant until 2023. The position is available starting Autumn 2019.
Contact for further information
Prof. Petr Broz
University of Lausanne
Department of Biochemistry
1066 Epalinges Switzerland
Your application
Applications (in English) should include a cover letter with a statement of research interests and qualifications for the position, complete CV and the names of two academic references.
To apply, upload your application on the University job portal (https://www.unil.ch/central/fr/home/menuinst/organisation/emplois.html), or send bt email to petr.broz@unil.ch .
For more information of the lab, please visit : https://www.unil.ch/ib/en/home/menuinst/research/broz-petr.html