德国Phillips-University Marburg精神病学和心理治疗系2019年博士后招聘
信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-05-23 14:10
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在TRR / SFB 135项目框架内“预测感知:自己行动的多重感知后果”(PI:T.Kircher教授和B. Straube博士教授),由德国研究基金会资助( DFG),精神病学和心理治疗系正在寻找一个
全职职位从2019年8月1日至2021年12月31日提供,其工资和福利与德国黑森州的公共服务职位相当(TV-H E,100%)。
该项目的目标是调查预测机制对自己行为的多感官后果的影响。我们研究了手部动作和离散动作结果的连续视听反馈的感知及其神经相关性,多感觉处理和重新校准过程中的个体差异。我们的研究试图弥合多感官处理,行动相关预测机制和跨模式适应之间的差距,以揭示自然条件下行动监测的潜在机制。对这一职位的研究将涉及:1)感知和心理物理学:手或手指的主动与被动运动对各个视听反馈的感知的影响(应用延迟检测任务),2)神经科学:功能性MRI的评估和分析EEG数据,3)编程(例如,MATLAB,C ++):建立高级多模式实验(例如,在线延迟归纳,多模式同步)。编程技能不是该职位的强制性先决条件。
Within the framework of the TRR/SFB 135 project „Predictive perception: multisensory consequences of one`s own actions” (PIs: Prof. Dr. T. Kircher and Prof. Dr. B. Straube), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy is looking for a
Research Assistant (Postdoctoral fellow)
with a background in experimental psychology, fMRI and/or cognitive neurosciences.
The full-time position is offered from August 01st 2019 until December 31st 2021 with salary and benefits commensurate with a public service position in the state Hesse, Germany (TV-H E 13, 100 %).
The goal of the project is to investigate the effects of predictive mechanisms on multisensory consequences of one`s own actions. We study the perception and its neural correlates of continuous audio-visual feedback of hand actions and discrete action outcomes, individual differences in multisensory processing and recalibration processes. Our research tries to bridge the gap between multisensory processing, action-related predictive mechanisms and cross-modal adaptation to reveal the mechanisms underlying action monitoring in natural conditions. Research for this position will involve: 1) Perception and Psychophysics: The effect of active versus passive movements of hands or fingers on perception of respective audio-visual feedbacks (applying delay detection tasks), 2) Neuroscience: assessment and analyses of functional MRI and EEG data, 3) Programming (e.g.,MATLAB, C++): to set up advanced multimodal experiments (e.g., online delay induction, multimodal synchronization). Programming skills are not a mandatory prerequisite for the position.
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Phillips-University Marburg (http://www.ukgm.de/ugm_2/deu/umr_psy/6611.html) provides a high-quality research infrastructure including a 3T research MRI scanner, IT equipment and technical personnel. The project is part of the TRR/SFB 135 (http://www.sfb-perception.de) and further associated with the International Research Training Group (IRTG): ‘The Brain in Action’ (https://www.uni-marburg.de/en/irtg1901/irtg1901). These large research consortia on perception and action have brought together not only experts from Giessen and Marburg in Germany, but also from Queens, Western and York University in Canada. Since this project is a highly multidisciplinary, the candidate will work in close collaboration with scientists active in the field of psychology, psychophysics, neuroscience and medicine; all represented in the Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior (https://www.cmbb-fcmh.de/en).
In the frame of this third party founded project the opportunity for scientific work is given. The results are available outside for further application. The limitation of the contract complies to § 2 Abs. 2 WissZeitVG.
Candidates should have a PhD in cognitive neurosciences, experimental psychology, neuroscience or equivalent, with experience in experimental design in contexts related to perception, action and/or sensory/cognitive processing. Experience with fMRI analyses, statistical signal processing, statistical toolboxes, as well as experiments in the field of action and perception are an asset. The research activities will take place in Marburg, Germany. The working language of the institute is English and German.
We support women and strongly encourage them to apply. In areas where women are underrepresented, female applicants will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Applicants with children are welcome – Philipps- University is certified as a family-friendly university. Sharing a full-time position (§ 8 Abs. 2 S. 1 HGlG) as well as a reduction of working time is possible. Applicants with a disability as described in SGB IX (§ 2 Abs. 2, 3) will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Application and interview costs can not be refunded.
Please send your application (CV and a list of publications) mentioning registration number fb20-0110-wmz- 2019 as a singlePDFfile tostraubeb@staff.uni-marburg.deor by mail to Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Marburg, Prof. Dr. T. Kircher and Prof. Dr. B. Straube, Rudolf Bultmann Str. 8, 35039 Marburg, Germany before June 21st 2019.