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信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2019-06-19 10:31





为了推进对成瘾和药物滥用的研究,德国研究基金会资助了一个合作研究中心(CRC),包括TU德累斯顿、CARITE柏林和CIMH曼海姆。CRC TRR 265“失去和恢复对药物摄入的控制:从机制到干预”旨在确定失去和恢复对药物消费的控制的轨迹,研究潜在的认知和神经生物学机制,并提供基于机制的干预。CRC和TU德累斯顿为跨学科合作提供了卓越的科学基础设施和理想的环境。对于计算工作,该组可以访问tu-dresden高性能计算集群。实验将在神经影像中心进行(https://nic tud.de)。神经成像中心配备了一台研究用的3T Siemens MRI扫描仪、与MRI兼容的脑电图和眼球跟踪、经颅磁刺激(TMS)和经颅直流电刺激(TDCS)装置。所有实验设施均由经验丰富的物理和IT人员提供支持。




Postdoctoral Fellow (f/m/x)

Dresden, Germany

In order to advance research on addiction and substance abuse, the German Research Foundation is funding a Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) that encompasses the TU Dresden, Charité Berlin, and CIMH Mannheim. The CRC TRR 265 ""Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake: From Trajectories to Mechanisms to Interventions"" aims at identifying the trajectories of losing and regaining control over drug consumption, studying the underlying cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms, and providing mechanism-based interventions. The CRC and TU Dresden provide an outstanding scientific infrastructure and an ideal environment for interdisciplinary collaboration. For computational work, the group has access to the TU Dresden high-performance computing clusters. Experiments will be performed at the Neuroimaging Centre (https://nic-tud.de). The Neuroimaging Centre is equipped with a research-only 3T Siemens MRI scanner, MRI-compatible EEG and eye tracking, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) units. All experimental facilities are supported by experienced physics and IT staff.

For this project, the Systems Neuroscience Lab at the Department of Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine invites applications for a

Postdoctoral Fellow (f/m/x)

This full-time position is initially limited until June 30th, 2023.

The candidate will work in the project ""Longitudinal monitoring of cognitive control as a modifying factor of drinking behavior"", a collaboration between the Systems Neuroscience Lab (https://tu-dresden.de/bereichsuebergreifendes/nic/research/grps_med/sesyn) (Prof. Michael Smolka) in Dresden and the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry (https://www.mps-ucl-centre.mpg.de/en) (Prof. Raymond J. Dolan) in London, under the direct supervision of Dr. Lorenz Deserno. The aim of the project is to identify cognitive trajectories related to losing and regaining control over everyday drinking behaviour, and to better understand how cognitive control modifies the impact of cues, stress, and subjective states on control over drinking behaviour. We will investigate these issues by using a smartphone application for longitudinal ambulatory assessment of cognitive control and decision-making over one year, in a cohort of 900 individuals. The position is ideal for candidates with a strong background in Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience and an interest in interdisciplinary clinical research. The candidate will be based at TU Dresden, but will receive an Honorary contract at University College London as parts of the project will be carried out at the Max Planck UCL Centre.

Your Tasks:

• Preparing and conducting behavioural smartphone-based Tasks

• Analysing longitudinal behavioural data of smartphone-based Tasks

• Computational modelling of such smartphone-based behavioural data supported by experienced modelling group (mainly in the context of Reinforcement Learning)

• Additional analyses of MRI data collected in the CRC is possible

• Attending regular CRC meetings for cross-disciplinary exchange of research findings

• Preparing manuscripts and presenting results at conferences

Your profile:

• Doctoral degree in Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology, Medicine, or related disciplines

• Strong background in conducting and analysing behavioural data, ideally with regard to longitudinal data (multilevel regression models, structural equation models)

• Additional experience with MRI data is a plus, e.g. knowledge of common software packages (e.g. SPM, Psych-Toolbox etc.)

• Solid Programming skills in Matlab, R or Python

• Keen interest in experimental approaches to study complex human behaviour

We offer you:

• Being part of the CRC and its scientific activities

• A position according to the TV-L conditions (E13; 100%)

• Working in a highly interdisciplinary team with leading scientists in addiction research and computational cognitive neuroscience

• Arranging for flexible working hours to find a balance between work and family life

• The unique possibility for international exchange with the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research

Disabled people are explicitly encouraged to apply.

We kindly ask you to apply preferably via our online form to make the selection process faster and more effective. Written applications will of course also be equally considered.

We look forward to receiving your complete application (one PDF-document including a cover letter with a brief summary of research interests, full CV, and two references) until July 15th, 2019 online with Registration number PSY0919665. For further information and any inquiries regarding this position, please feel free to contact: Dr Lorenz Deserno (lorenz.deserno@mailbox.tu-dresden.de)






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