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信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2021-06-01 11:22



Bioinformatician (1-2) Positions At The Department Of Medical Biosciences

Umea University

The Department of Medical Biosciences belongs to the Faculty of Medicine at Umeå University and conducts research and teaching in Clinical Chemistry, Medical and Clinical Genetics and Pathology. There are approx. 90 people employed at the department. We are recruiting one – two bioinformaticians for employment as Research Engineer with a focus on biostatistics. Our department is located in the "laboratory house" in building 6M and has direct contact with the University Hospital of Umeå and the Medical Library. Further information about our department can be found on our website www. medbio.umu.se.

Placement The position(s) is/are placed at the Department of Medical Biosciences for work within Clinical Genomics Umeå. Clinical Genomics Umeå is a node within SciLifeLab Clinical Genomics Platform, which provides support for clinical research and develops future methods for precision medicine. Clinical Genomics works closely with Genomic Medicine Centre North (GMC North), which in turn is a node within Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) that coordinates the introduction of precision medicine throughout Sweden.

Work description The primary tasks will be to plan, develop, test and validate bioinformatics workflows and methods and carry out bioinformatics and statistical analyses. These analyses will be mainly linked to sequence data. Participation in smaller analysis groups and compilation of data will also be included in the tasks. In addition, the applicant should have the ability to compile results for scientific publications. Work with data management solutions/servers is included. The work also requires travel between partners both in and outside Sweden as well as participation at courses and conferences.

Qualifications To be eligible for the position, applicants must hold a doctoral degree in molecular epidemiology, medical genetics, bioinformatics, biostatistics or equivalent. Substantial knowledge of statistics and documented experience of large-scale sequence analysis is also a requirement. Good programming skills in Python and experience of using version control systems, such as Git, is also a requirement, as is experience or training in the use of the Linux environment and system administration. The applicant is expected to be highly proficient in spoken and written English.

Other desirable qualifications Experience with different types of sequence data (Illumina, Nanopore, PacBio) and work with both human and microbial sequence data. Programming skills in R and experience of performing analyzes on data clusters (eg UPPMAX). Experience in using analysis management tools such as Snakemake and Nextflow and understanding and experience of handling security aspects related to patient data and genetic information.

The applicant should have the ability to work independently and to collaborate with others in a positive manner. In addition, they should have good organizational skills, flexibility, drive and independence. Furthermore, great emphasis will be placed on personal qualities such as the ability to work together with other bioinformaticians, researchers and other staff within the department at Umeå University and the University Hospital of Umeå.

Application procedure The application must include the following documents :

A personal letter describing your qualifications, research interests, and why you are interested in the position.

A curriculum vita (CV), including date for doctoral degree, title of your thesis and an up-to-date list of publications.

A copy of your postdoctoral degree and other relevant certificates.

Name and contact details for at least two reference persons.

The application must be sent electronically in Word of PDF format.

For further information about the position contact professor Richard Palmqvist: telephone: +46 70 645 12 50, e-mail: richard.palmqvist@umu.se.

Application, written in Swedish or English must be submitted via our e-recruitment system Varbi no later than 21 June 2021.







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