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信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2021-11-09 09:46



Postdoc At The Bandim Health Project

University Of Southern Denmark


Postdoc at the Bandim Health Project

A unique two-year Guinea Bissau-based postdoc position is now available at OPEN, Department of Clinical Research. The postdoc is expected to work on evaluating the real-life effects of vaccines and other child health interventions. Furthermore, the position combines opportunities to engage in both high-quality epidemiological research and hands-on data collection in a low-income setting.

The position is a full-time two-year position and is expected to start February 1. 2022, or soon thereafter.

We are looking for a candidate with a strong interest in global health research, a solid methodological background (documented experience with planning, implementing, analysing, and reporting epidemiological studies) and the ability to work both independently and in teams. Experience with supervision, data management, and data collection is an asset.

In Guinea-Bissau, Bandim Health Project continuously monitors health and survival in a population of more than 200,000 people through a health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) (www. bandim.org ). Building on the HDSS, our multi-disciplinary team (www. vaccineschildhealth.com) evaluates the real-life effects and implementation of health interventions.

Findings from Guinea-Bissau and elsewhere indicate that vaccines in addition to protecting against the targeted infections have broader, non-specific effects and alter the susceptibility to a wide range of infections. This implies that vaccines and vaccination programmes should also be evaluated for their overall health effects.

Within the next year, new vaccines (a second dose of measles vaccine and a meningitis A vaccine) are planned to be introduced in the Bissau-Guinean childhood vaccination programme. We seek a postdoc interested in assessing the health effects of introducing these vaccines and who will contribute to building a platform for future evaluations of health interventions extending beyond the existing HDSS (www. bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/6/e028775).

As a postdoc, you will join the ambitious Bissau-based research team led by Associate Professor AneBærentFisker. The research team currently consists of four PhD students with different backgrounds and two master students all working on assessing and improving real-life effects of various health interventions. The group is currently running several randomised controlled trials and observational studies in Guinea-Bissau and performs epidemiological and mixed-methods evaluations. Funding from the Lundbeck Foundation enables expanding the research team with a postdoc.

In Guinea-Bissau, you will be involved in fieldwork, overseeing ongoing data collection, and implementing and overseeing new data collection as well as analysing and reporting the results – and posing new research questions. Thus, the postdoc position is a unique opportunity for hands-on involvement in the entire research process in a low-income setting. Furthermore, we prioritise capacity building and as a postdoc, you will be involved in the supervision of research students from Guinea-Bissau, University of Southern Denmark and elsewhere.

We will assist with arranging accommodation and language tuition in Bissau.

Potential applicants must be postdoc-qualified in accordance with the Ministerial Order on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities.


Further information can be obtained from Associate Professor, Ane B Fisker, afisker@health.sdu.dk

Conditions of employment

The appointment takes place in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Central Organisation of the Academics.

Assessment of applicants will be done in accordance with the current recruitment order. Applicants will be assessed by an expert committee, and applicants will be informed of their assessment by the university.

Applications – including the required attachments – must be sent electronically via the below-mentioned link “Apply online". Only online applications will be accepted and assessed.

Attached files must be Adobe PDF or Word format. Each field in the application form can contain up to max. 10 MB.

Only applications written in English will be accepted for evaluation.

The application must include (as PDF- or docx-files):

A cover letter


Copies of certificates/diplomas including evidence of acquisition of a PhD degree or equivalent

A complete and numbered list of publications

Up to 3 scientific, peer-reviewed publications that the applicant wishes to be included in the assessment of his or her scientific qualifications (Please note that one PDF or docx file must be attached for each publication).

A brief research plan (max 2 pages) describing how you would evaluate the effect of new vaccine introduction

A teaching portfolio

An explanation of other qualifications relevant to the position.

Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

Applications may be shortlisted.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Campus: Fleretjenestesteder

Application deadline: 28/11/2021







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