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信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2021-11-18 09:44



Research Fellow

University Of Southampton


Research FellowPopulation, Health & Wellbeing (PHeW)

Location: Highfield Campus Salary: £31,406 to £38,587Full Time Fixed Term (14 months) Closing Date: Friday 03 December 2021 Interview Date: To be confirmedReference: 1585021WR

Be a part of the University of Southampton, an institution in the top one hundred world universities and one of the UK's top 15 research-intensive universities. We have an international reputation for research, teaching and enterprise activities.

QS World University Rankings 2019

We are looking for a Research Fellow to analyse and oversee the management of data concerning household water access, domestic waste generation and management in off-grid urban communities in urban Ghana and Kenya, so as to maximise access to services within these communities.

The School of Geography and Environmental Science is ranked 14th for research in the UK in the Guardian University Guide 2019. The quality of our research places Geography at Southampton 11th in the UK (REF 2014). We are top 5 in the UK for our research outputs (REF 2014) and we achieved 100% for our research environment. Our research is helping to address some of today's major global challenges, including climate change, social and health inequalities, sustainable development; conservation of biodiversity; poverty and recession.

Vendors provide a key role in supplying urban off-grid populations, with consumption of bottled or bagged water growing in many developing countries. Several studies show bottles and bags are usually free from faecal contamination. However, as many off-grid urban populations lack solid waste disposal services, there can be problems disposing of the plastic bags and bottles when people drink such water. The Water & Waste project is funded by the ESRC/DfID through the Global Challenges Research Fund and aims to deliver evidence on the different ways that people sell water to off-grid populations and the associated plastic waste management issues. You will be expected to work closely with academic colleagues and stakeholders in the UK, Ghana and Kenya, both to support the collection of relevant data and to map urban off- grid communities.

A PhD in quantitative social science, quantitative human geography or waste management is essential. You will have experience in statistical analysis via coding of social science, solid waste, or human geography data sets. Ideally, you will also have experience in field survey data management and data archiving or the analysis of geospatial data. Experience of working in low or middle-income countries is desirable, as is a knowledge of issues affecting either household water access or waste management.

This post is suitable for quantitative social scientists, quantitative human geographers, or those with a background in waste management, with skills in statistical analysis of household survey data, geospatial data analysis, and/or research data management and archiving. The post is available from 1st February 2022.

Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification. The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD. Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.

For informal enquiries before submitting your application, contact Prof. Jim Wright, j.a.wright@southampton.ac.uk.







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