信息来源:未知 | 作者:admin | 时间:2021-12-17 09:27
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Postdoctoral Fellow at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
The Notta laboratory at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, Canada is looking for a postdoctoral fellow starting in 2022. We are associated with the Medical Biophysics program at the University of Toronto. Our work focuses on pancreatic cancer and one of our main goals is to understand why pancreatic cancer is so aggressive. This tumour spreads and evolves very rapidly in patients, and is highly chemoresistant. There are important questions in the field that need to be addressed such as what are the cellular origins of this disease? Why do RAS mutations occur so frequently? What are the main mechanisms driving resistance to nearly all drugs? What role does the stroma play in tumour evolution and treatment resistance? Broadly, our projects surround these types of questions but are not limited to them. Our lab collaborates very closely with the clinical program at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and also with Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. Together, our research program houses around ~400-500 paired whole-genomes/RNA-seq from all clinical stages of pancreatic cancer.
Our laboratory is split between wet and dry components, and we facilitate training in both areas. On the wet-lab side, our work focuses on patient derived organoids, CRISPR, xenografting, molecular profiling, genomics and drug screening. On the dry lab side, we perform molecular subtyping of RNA-seq data (both bulk and single cell), whole genome sequencing (both bulk and single cell), statistical analysis of large datasets, data integration, tumour evolution analysis, genomic workflows for patients on clinical trial.
Additional information about the Notta Lab can be found at:
Website: https://www.nottalab.com/
Twitter: @LabNotta
Projects in our lab vary widely but typically involve investigating mechanisms of pancreatic cancer development. We encourage trainees to bring their own ideas and expertise to address new problems. We are looking for leaders. Candidates are expected to hold a PhD, MD or both. Candidates who are close to finishing their PhDs but have not published are also encouraged to apply. All candidates should have a manuscript in preparation or have published at the time of the application. No experience in pancreatic cancer is necessary.
•Recently graduated from PhD or MD program
•Publication(s) and manuscript(s) in preparation or completed.
•Excellent organizational and analytical skills, along with a high degree of independence and flexibility to thrive in a novel and rapidly evolving research environment.
•Ability to write scientific communications and present their work
•Excellent initiative and leadership qualities
If you are interested, please send a CV and cover letter to Faiyaz Notta (faiyaz.notta@gmail.com) or Karen Ng (k.ng@uhnresearch.ca).