信息来源:中国硕博英才网 | 作者:admin | 时间:2014-09-22 16:22
Postdoctoral Bioinformatician : Cambridge, United Kingdom
Postdoctoral Bioinformatician
Salary range £29,557 – £31,527 per annum
The Babraham Institute is a charity which is world renowned for its research in life sciences to enhance lives and improve wellbeing.
A 3 year position funded by an MRC grant is available in Professor Michael Wakelam’s laboratory for a Postdoctoral Bioinformatician to analyse lipid signalling and metabolic pathways in human bronchial epithelial cells infected with rhinoviruses. This project will make us of data generated by mass spectrometric measurements of cellular lipid composition and thereby determine effects of viral infection upon enzyme fluxes. The overall aim of the project is to identify novel therapeutic enzyme targets for treating viral infection.
Applicants should have expertise in bioinformatics and preferably have previously worked upon pathway analysis. The lipidomic analysis will be carried out in Professor Michael Wakelam’s laboratory making use of samples generated at Imperial College London in Dr Roberto Solari and Michael Edwards’ laboratory. The bioinformatics work will be guided by Dr Nicolas Le Novere. Informal enquiries can be made to Michael Wakelam (Michael.wakelam@babraham.ac.uk) or Nicolas le Novere (Nicolas.lenovere@babraham.ac.uk).
Further information about the Institute can be found on our website. Application forms and further details are available electronically from our website (www.babraham.ac.uk), or by contacting our 24-hour Recruitment Line on 01223 496365, or e-mail:babraham.personnel@babraham.ac.uk. On applying please quote reference MW/PBio/LT. Closing date for completed applications is Monday 20th October 2014. NO AGENCIESPLEASE
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The Babraham Institute receives strategic funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and is an Equal Opportunities Employer.