信息来源:中国硕博英才网 | 作者:admin | 时间:2014-09-22 16:24
Junior Research Chairs : Paris, France
Creating links that last a lifetime
at the International Centre for Fundamental Physics and its interfaces – École normale supérieure, Paris (ENS-ICFP)
In 2014, the ENS-ICFP will hire three outstanding Junior Research Chairs (at postdoctoral level) for a two-year contract with a probable extension for a third year. Fellows are expected to develop new research projects within the Department of Physics at the École normale supérieure.
Attractive research funding and international competitive salary
Access to a cutting-edge scientific environment
Full integration into the Department of Physics (scientific exchange and teaching at the master level)
Two additional positions in theoretical physics will be made available by the Philippe Meyer Institute
The deadline to apply is October 24, 2014 for positions starting in September 2015
The Junior Research Chair programme is the centrepiece of the Laboratory of ExcellenceENS-ICFP awarded by the French government.
Full details of the application process and the research themes can be found athttp://www.phys.ens.fr/