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信息来源:解螺旋 | 作者:admin | 时间:2015-04-24 15:07



目的•To develop the methods for isolation and cultivation of A.•To culture sth from surgical iridectomy specimens of eyes with and without A.•The effect of various Xs on the growth, melanogenesis and dendrification of cultured Cs were studied.

病因•As are involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of eye diseases, the mostimportant of which is A, the most common intraocular tumor.•A also contribute to the pathogenesis of X1 and X2.

文献回顾•During the past 2 decades, much work has been done to isolate andcultivate C1 and C2 and to investigate the function of these cells in vitro.•PGs play important physiopathological and therapeutic roles in the eye.Several PGs have been studied for their effects on the reduction of IOP andtheir role in the treatment of A.

引起人们重视•During the past decade, there has been an increasing interest in therelationship between exposure to light and the development of certain eyediseases, including A1, A2, and A3.

研究未明•Little/(very little)is known about/(concerning)•There have been only afew attempts to---,and no systematic attempts to•Little work has been performedon---•The role of remains tobe elucidated/ clarified.•Compared with ourknowledge of ---,littleis known about---. Even less is known about its---.•However, the effectsof---have not been investigated thoroughly.•---has never been satisfactorilyexplained.•Although many studies of ---have been reported and it is well establishedthat EM do produce melanin in vivo, little is known about melanogenesis by A.•Little work has been performed on melanogenesis by A in vitro.•Investigation of melanogenesis by A in vitro has been hampered by aninability to obtain a sufficient number of pure A for study.•The role of the iris in normal function and in disease remains to beelucidated.

仍有争议•---remains controversial.•Whether A produce melanin in vivo during adulthood remains controversial.•The literature about the sth remains scant.

新进展•Sb has developed and report here new methods for A•We have developed methods for A•Recent advances in techniques of--- suggested---
•Recently, it has been found that melanin from the uvea could stimulate A1and may be involved in the pathogenesis of A2 and the A3.
•We have developed methods for isolation and culture of A.

保护作用•Ocular pigmentation, particularly ---, may play an important protectiverole in prevention of these diseases.

研究目的•The purpose of the present study was to investigate melanogenesis by A invitro.•We wanted to explore specifically whether A produce melanin in vitro,whether melanin content and melanin production by A in vitro correlate withiris pigmentation, whether cultured A express --- activity, and whether ---activity of A correlates with ---, --- and ---.
•We also wanted to study factors influencing melanin content andproduction, as well as the ---activity of A in vitro.

比较分析•Recently epidemiological and molecular biological studies indicate that A1is different from A2 and similar to A3, e.g., the occurrence of A1 is relatedto the sunlight exposure and mutation of BRAF gene, whereas the C2 are not.•The difference between the A1 and A2 may be determined by the differentenvironmental and cellular factors of the C1 and C2.•These results indicated that X only stimulated cell growth at a highconcentration.•After supplementation with X, A growth was stimulated, but mitoticactivity declined rapidly after a few passages.•These effects were dose-dependent at the range from --- to --- M

统计学•The differences of X and cell counts between the control and test groupswere statistically significant (cell number: 0.05 > P>0.01 atconcentrations of ---M in complete medium, at --- M in --- medium, and P<0.01 at concentrations of --- M in --- medium).•The differences between the X treated culture and negative controls weresignificant at concentrations of 10-6-10-5 M•In the study on/(of the) cAMP-deleted medium, the number of cellsincubated with X at all concentrations showed no significant differencecompared with the negative controls.•This method provides a valuable source of large numbers of Cs, which canbe used to study their biological behavior, to compare with the A; and to comparethem to their malignant counterparts in the exploration of the pathogenesis of A.






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